
Showing posts from May, 2023


If you use the same word but insert it into sentences differently every time you say it, your dog may not understand. For instance, if you want to train your dog to lie down, you will confuse them if you say “Lie down” one session and then say “Fido, lie down or no treat” later in the day. Aversive-based training is when you use positive punishment and negative reinforcement techniques with your dog. About Dog Training Click here to view detailed information about training on the Tucker Pup's website, including full class descriptions, class schedules, trainer bios, videos , and much more. The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers® (CCPDT®), established in 2001, is the leading independent certifying organization for the dog training profession. The CCPDT is the leader in the development of rigorous exams to demonstrate mastery of humane, science-based dog training practices. Thousands of dog training professionals worldwide maintain the CCPDT’s certifications as a...